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Spotlight: National property rental view

Results from the latest English Housing Survey, reported in The Telegraph, show that over half the number of renters envisage buying a home down the line.

While the majority of private renters are satisfied with their accommodation (84%) and their status as private renters, three out of five expect to buy their own home at some point in the future reports the survey. The survey also highlighted that 64% of households in the private rented sector had little or no savings in 2016–17.

‘The English Housing Survey, Private rented sector 2016–17’ is a national survey, commissioned by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government. 2017 marks the 50th anniversary since the first survey in 1967.

Other key findings

  • The private rented sector remains the second largest tenure in England, and has grown in the last 20 years.
  • The overall size of the private rented sector has increased over this time from 2.1 million households in 1996–97 to 4.7 million households in 2016–17.
  • With the exception of those aged 75+ years, the number of private renters has increased across all age groups.
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